Due to its wealth of micro-elements, vitamins, essential oils and fatty acids, ginseng is a valuable component for skincare, particularly as an anti-aging ingredient. As an antioxidant and tonic, ginseng stimulates cellular renewal, strengthens skin’s immunity to harmful environment, boosts blood circulation and brings oxygen to skin. Ginseng tones and energizes skin, enhancing its firmness and elasticity.
1. Anti-ageing Benefits:
Ginseng contains a large amount of phytonutrients, which can stimulate and activate the skin’s metabolism. It rids your skin of the free radicals that gets accumulated when your skin is regularly exposed to sunlight and environmental pollution. It also contains certain ingredients that can increase the production of collagen in the middle layer of the skin known as dermis, making your skin firmer. This collagen makes your skin more elastic and toned, thereby diminishing wrinkles or fine lines on the face and other body parts.
2. Improves Complexion:
Ginseng roots and leaves are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are good for overall skin health. They metabolise skin cells and facilitate the elimination of dead skin cells to produce healthy new skin. Ginseng supplements are great for refining and rehydrating your skin. It regenerates skin cells by increasing oxygenation. It also improves blood circulation and is a great blood detoxifier. All these factors contribute to a healthier and brighter complexion.
3. Great Toner:
Ginseng is also a great toner and facial freshener. Not only does it improve collagen formation but also helps reduce black spots on the face. You can prepare your own ginseng mask by mixing ginseng oil with other ingredients, like sunflower oil, honey or water. This should be applied twice a week for best results.
4. Treatment of Skin Diseases:
Incomplete skin metabolism contributes to skin problems like acne, eczema and rough skin. Ginseng is effective in this regard as it gets absorbed by the skin very quickly and improves subcutaneous vascular circulation. Regular intake of ginseng can help you get rid of these problems, making your skin bright and cheerful.
5. Stimulates Hair Growth:
Healthy hair represents a healthy body. Proper nutrition is vital to stimulate healthy hair growth and that nutrition is provided by ginseng. Regular intake of ginseng can encourage hair growth by stimulating blood flow to the scalp. It also improves the health of hair follicles and cells, thus preventing hair loss.
6. Anti-cancer Properties:
Certain substances in ginseng have been found to possess anti-cancer properties. Research conducted by the Chinese Medicine Journal found that ginsenosides have anti-tumour effects and can damage the prostate cancer cells, ovarian cancer cells, neurobastoma cells and lung adenocarcinoma cells. It can also inhibit cell cycle progression, thus slowing down the growth of cancer cells. A study by Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer researchers found that consumption of ginseng after breast cancer diagnosis improved chances of survival and quality of life.
7. Improves Mental and Physical Health:
Ginseng can stimulate physical and mental health of people who often feel weak and tired. It is a great tonic that can boost your stamina and energy levels. It improves mental alertness and changes the mood by relieving fatigue. Excessive stress causes the adrenal hormones like cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline to flow out, leading to a host of health problems. Ginseng helps in balancing the level of adrenaline in the body. Ingesting ginseng acts as a stimulant for brain cells and improves concentration and thinking ability.
8. Lowers Cholesterol:
Certain studies have proved that ginseng lowers bad LDL cholesterol level in the body. This quality can be attributed to the presence of ginsenocides in ginseng.
9. Strengthens the Immune and Nervous Systems:
Ginseng is used in herbal medicine to boost the body’s immune system. It strengthens the immune system and is particularly beneficial for patients suffering from chronic bronchitis, when taken along with antibiotics. Its adaptogenic properties can keep you young while restoring damaged cells in elderly people.
10. Anti-inflammatory Properties:
Ginseng comprises of seven constituent ginsenocides, which possess immune-suppressive effects. Its anti-inflammatory properties can be attributed to the combined effects of the ginsenocides, which target different levels of immunological activity in the body.
11. Aids in Weight Control:
Ginseng is a great appetite suppressant and aids in controlling weight. Extract from ginseng berry can help fight obesity and aid in weight management.
12. Improves Endurance:
Ginseng is particularly beneficial for athletes as it enables them to use oxygen more effectively and regulates metabolism, resulting in more energy. Because of its ability to improve stamina, it is a popular stimulant tonic among athletes. Athletes require high levels of stamina in order to be consistent during practise and ginseng can very well serve that purpose.